Through a chink in the window that was not fully closed,
On the ninth day of the month, the crescent moon
Was setting down in the west in silence.
That night
When I looked at the moon
And played, running around with kids from my village
Until that moon had completely set in the west,
At the entrance of the village
[That night] is being reminisced.
How come
You are just going toward the west without words
In silence,
Like a [shy] girl one has just met for the first time?
That moon which shines softly
Grabs my heart
More than the sun that shines radiantly at noon.
The old poet, Lee, Taebaek,
I heard that when he saw you, he went crazy, so he jumped into the water.
Is it just Lee, Taebaek
Who had lived for just one drink without knowing that his life was passing?
When people see the moon, they all fall into meditation,
Their become absentminded as they think of their hometowns,
And they become melancholy while thinking of their lovers.
The Creator God
Captures the hearts of all the people of the entire earth
To be indulged in memories like this and that
Because He created the moon really beautifully.
That is why it is rare to hear a song that does not include the moon,
Or a poem that does not include the moon.