It is to love in daily life : Downloaded from [Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok [Scriptures] 1Thessalonians5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances It is easy to converse with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son the Lordfor an instant, be interested in Them for an instant,think about Them for an instant, and love Them for an instant.However, it is difficult to love Them every moment ofyour daily life,think about Them every moment ofyour daily life,and converse with Them in all circumstances ofyour daily life. You should live your everydaylifeuniting your thoughtswith the Trinity and the Lord’s thoughtsand loving and communing with the Trinity and the Lordat every moment without forgetting Them.A person who loves in this way duringtheirdaily lifeis a person who is engaging in great love. A child has to stick close to his mother and take actionwith herwhether the times are good or bad.Then the child will not makemistakes and will not be in danger.In this way,always take action with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son the Lord! What isthe highest possiblelevel of love?It is to be one with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son the Lordin both thoughts and body, and to take action with Them. You, yourself have to turn on the ignition of lovein your daily life.If you do, you will feel, gain, and enjoy as much as you do.Therefore,I bless all of you to be united with the Trinity and the Lordat all times without separating,and by doing so,mature every day and change every day.