Don’t nod off in your faith but take action fully alert and awake. : Downloaded from [Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok [Scriptures] 1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind.Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Allof you have experienced nodding offandfalling asleep.Sometimes,people nod off on the bus or the subway, and miss their stop.Sometimespeople nod off withoutrealising it when they are driving. If you are inattentive and dull,you will nod off and fall asleep withoutrealisingin any random place. If you don’t set goals, are not alert, and don’t focus in your everyday life,it is like nodding off and sleeping.Thus, at those moments, thoughts about other thingscreep in,you take action on other things,and while doing that, you end up leaving your position. Sleepiness of life, sleepiness of faith, and the sleep of faithrefer tothe moment you don’t live by God’s Wordbut instead, think differentthoughts and random thoughts,and takeaction on other things.People who do that are like those who are driving while nodding off. If the bodydoesn't get out of feeling sleepy, it will fall asleep without noticing.Therefore, if you feel sleepyas you are living life,you have to sprint like a cheetah, take action swiftly, and move like fire.Then you will get out of drowsinessand thus, will not fall asleep. Just as there is a way to control sleep,there is a way to control drowsiness and sleep in daily life.It is: To control it by annihilating it at the beginning when you first feel sleepy.At the beginning, it is really easy to control it because it is like a single grain of sand.Therefore, you have to take action like puttingout a fireat the moment a spark is present, at the beginning of a fire. Sleepiness in everyday life, bad thoughts, unrighteousness, and otherproblems–you should not take them lightly because they are small at first.Instead, you have to deal with them in the same wayyou would put out a fire as soon as itstarts.At the beginning of sleepiness of faith and sin,you should pour the fiery mentality,action andWord,and get out of death. In all circumstances, you have to possess a divine mentality.Then you will gain divine powerand get out of the various accidents,get out of the sleep of faith, get out of sleepiness of various things in daily life,get out of physical death, and also get out of eternal death.Therefore, I pray that all of you will realize this andtake action being fully alert and awake.