뉴스_월명동 소식

Day By Day The Lord’s House of Love Changes.


 ▲ Construction site of the Lord’s House of Love


 Construction site of the Prayer Hill Rock Landscape





The Lord’s House of Love was designed with more than 12 pillars that would each be two arm spans. The first floor will have  a cafeteria, the second floor will have a museum and a snack shop, and the third and fourth floors will be meeting places where more than 1200 people can sit. Once the design was polished for about six months, the Holy Son Lord approved it. So the Lord said, “Let’s build it!” With that, the JS, Young Adult, and Campus Department gathered their forces centered on the Blessed Family Department  to launch.

As [I] watched the construction of the Lord’s House of Love, the words, “All of this has been designed by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, protected by the Lord Jesus Christ, and we have worked as their hands and their feet,” came to my mind. [I] give thanks to God who designed the plan, location, and time of construction, give thanks to the Holy Spirit who gave inspiration, and give thanks to the Holy Son who has been with us at every moment.

In September of last year, Pastor Jung Myeong-Seok said, “In the winter, the cold days will continue and it will snow a lot too. So let’s not hold the Rock Festival. Instead, let’s set up the rocks on the side of the sports field and finish it quickly, and let’s press on with the construction of the building also.” So Pastor Jung Beom-Seok and the workers of the Holy Land Wolmyeongdong proceeded with the work from 5 AM until late night.

However, the cold winter came, and the Wolmyeongdong construction stopped because of this year’s heavy snow. [I] hope that the warm spring will come quickly so that the Lord’s House of Love as well as the Prayer Hill Rock Landscape will be built beautifully, mysteriously, and majestically.
