THE AMBITION MATERPIECE that God designed also crumbled five times
and was completed at the sixth time.
At first, it was built with ‘limestone.’ But it broke and crumbled.
So the second time, we built it with ‘marble’ so that it would not break.
But the rocks tilted forward and crumbled.
The third time, we built it mainly using ‘tiger skin rocks.’ They crumbled again.
The fourth time, we built it mixing ‘field rocks and black rocks.’
They crumbled again.
The fifth time, we built it by gathering all those ‘rocks that do not break.’
They crumbled again.
The sixth time, we bought ‘natural rocks’ and used all of the ‘art rocks
that were set up on the sports field.’
At that time, we purchased the biggest rocks we could get after hearing the news
that the tiger-skin-rock mine would be shut down.
Since [the Ambition Masterpiece] was completed, it does not crumble.