Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
생각의 교차로
Birds intimate with humans
What kind of a bird produces that birdsong? What kind of birds are in Wolmyeongdong? Aren't you curious? Let's come to know through the class, 'the bird that is intimate with people.'
Don't you want to praise? Let's do it with a ukulele!
A ukulele is a small, portable instrument with four strings. It is also easy to play. With a ukulele, praise God whenever and wherever!
Peace Soccer
Peace soccer gives glory to God through soccer. Just as you must know clearly in order to take action clearly, I pray that you will know about soccer clearly and give glory to God perfectly.
Rookie Scientist Column
Rookie scientist column, the state-of-the-art concept science column that sheds new light on science with the Word!
The life about which the true Teacher teaches
Han Yu, a Chinese essayist, poet, and thinker from the Tang dynasty, defines what a teacher is in his famous written works: 'A teacher is someone who teaches academics and the proper duty of human beings, and who becomes a role model for people.' There are teachers who teach only knowledge, and there are teachers who teach the duty of life, upright character, and answer their disciples' deep questions. What kind of truth would a true teacher teach? How he would untie the questions in his disciples' hearts?
성전꽃꽂이로 주님의 사랑을 표현하며 그로 인해 주님과 소통하고 알지 못했던 자신의 모습을 발견하는 시간!! 오직 온 정성을 다한 작품을 통해 숨 쉬고 호흡할 수 있는 통로가 되었던 꽃꽂이를 통해 성삼위의 사랑을 풀어봅니다.
신앙의 맛
맛있는 음식은 삶의 기쁨과 활력을 불어 넣어 주고 나아가 행복한 마음을 우리에게 선물합니다. 맛으로 만나는 하늘과 나의 사랑과 사연의 요리세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.