영상_한줄 멘토

The Absolute Deity executes things absolutely.




 In the world, even if the winter comes, only the season is the winter;

people can still live making [their] environment like the summer.

It is because they make warm rooms and a warm environment and live in it.

Also, they make greenhouses and farm inside there.

Only the season is the winter,

but people can easily escape the cold and live like in the summer.

However, if God proclaims ‘a period of tribulation,’

which is the winter of the time period, or if God proclaims ‘judgment,’

not a single person can escape that domain and everyone undergoes suffering.

[God] perfectly binds the body, soul,

and spirit all in the darkness and controls and rules over that person’s mind,

thoughts, and body.

The Absolute Deity executes things absolutely.

Later on, when [God] releases a person after the punishment period,

only then can they escape the absolute domain.

Know that God is the Absolute Being like this.

The Trinity carries out things definitely just as fire and water are definite.



Sermons of Pastor Jung Myeong Seok





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