영상_한줄 멘토

The ‘body’ turns out according to how you make it and train it to be.





The ‘body’ turns out according to how you make it and train it to be.

In the winter I kept showering with hot water because it was so cold.

I washed with hot water in the spring time because it was still chilly.

I used only hot water even though May came around.

Because I did that, it was hard to put cold water on my body

even though the weather had turned warm.

When summer came, I put cold water on my body but it was too cold.

So I washed with hot water.
I told myself, ‘I should not do this,’ and kept washing with only cold water

and did not use even a drop of hot water.

When I did that, when summer came and I was washing with cold water from

an underground well, it felt warm.
The body’s constitution/type gets made according to how you make it

and train it to be. The heart is like that too.

