영상_영혼의 보화

The love toward God, the birth of a great art piece


Today I am going to give an introduction of Leonardo da Vinci, who was a great artist of the Italian Renaissance in the 15th century.

Da Vinci was a believer.

Because I was in an art class when I was young, I have heard the name da Vinci many times.

I had the chance to learn about da Vinci’s great world of art at church.

Surprisingly, he translated his heart of loving God into art 

and expressed his genius [through art].

At that time, dissection was forbidden unless permitted by the government.

However, da Vinci wanted to precisely portray a human being created by God,

so he exhumed  a corpse and dissected it.

He thus completed the picture “Vitruvius,” which displays the Golden Ratio.

This picture can be called a masterpiece of art and science.

Through Vitruvius,

I was able to feel the love of God, who created human beings in the Golden Ratio.

Da Vinci’s documents, containing his detailed observations and studies, have contributed to many books on anatomy.

Everyone, did you open your eyes after hearing this story?

I will continue next time by introducing da Vinci’s second art piece.
