
Those Who Have Stopped Loving Along the Way, Are Ones Who Are Asleep or Dead in Love

본문 .

Those Who Have Stopped Loving Along the Way
Are Ones Who Are Asleep or Dead in Love


Revelation 2:2-5
2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.
4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.




I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.

People in the world consider ‘the physical love of the world’ as the best, but God and the Holy Son Lord, who are omnipotent and omniscient, deem ‘spiritual love’ as the greatest. God created heaven and earth and created human beings because of ‘love.’

The ‘love’ that I will speak about today is mental and spiritual love. That is the greatest love that lasts eternally, that is, ‘the love of God.’

will speak about the eternal love between God and human beings, that is, the mental and spiritual love. I will first speak about this love by dividing it into three general categories.

First, there is a love with the Holy Son Lord that is active. This is ‘love that is alive.’

Second, there is a love in which the relationship of love with the Holy Son Lord has stopped. This is ‘love that is asleep.’

Third, there is a love in which the love relationship with the Holy Son Lord stopped and fell asleep, and then it fell even more deeply asleep and therefore died! This is ‘dead love.’ This is a situation in which love has died, just like a person’s body would die.

If you don’t have love, you fall into the sleep of love. In that situation, you will be busy living only with the body, which scurries around alone in order to live the life of the body. If you doze off while loving, you cannot love any more. If your love with God and the Holy Son, falls asleep or dies, your life become a life that is asleep and a life that is dead in all things. Your love should be alive in order for you to lead a living life in all situations.

 It is to restore the love which fell asleep and the love which died that you believe in and love God and the Holy Son; you believe in and accept his branch entity; you obey the Word that the Holy Son, preach through him; and you evangelize and work faithfully as well. Love has to be restored. Then the eternal Will of the Trinity can be fulfilled ideally, in the best way.

The world has lost the Heaven’s true and fundamental love, and their love is physical love centering on the body and their love loves the wealth, fame, and power of the world at a physical level. Even if they live loving God and the Messiah, since they love Them at a physical level, their love is in fact ‘a love that is asleep’ and ‘a love that is dead.’ Even though the Almighty and the Holy Son, have granted human beings ‘the love of the physical body,’ you should love physical love also, only after having been reborn with love that centers on the spiritual, fundamental love.

Today’s message is a message that urges you to listen to the Holy Son’s, words well, wake up from the sleep of love that the Holy Son, desire—that is, the love of the heart, mind, thoughts, soul, and spirit—and resume the love that has been on pause. If you have been dead in love because you stopped loving for a long period of time, come to life upon hearing the Word and quickly love again. Bless that you will all listen to the Word and love one level more passionately.




10/7/2012 9:26:01 PM