
Ask. Even If You Are My Beloved, I Grant It Only If You Ask and Request It.

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Matthew 7:7

7) “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to

youJames 1:5
5) If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.


Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.


You need to know the owner of the land you live in, in order to buy a piece of land [there]. Also, even if you know the owner, you have to meet and connect with them. Then they will grant your requests and make things comfortable for you. It means that you should know the owner, connect with the owner, and earnestly request things that you need to earnestly request. Then when you are someone they know, they will quickly grant your request.


Even though you live believing in the almighty God and loving the Holy Son Lord, They will grant things only if you request the things you need to request, and They will give you only if you ask. When you do this, you and the Trinity will live in love, being closer and more intimate with each other.


You should always ask the owner and petition them. Never groan, worry, or be anxious by yourself. Instead, whatever needs to be asked and requested, you should clearly request.
When it is appropriate, it will be granted immediately. Even if it may not have been granted previously because you were not worthy then, if you set the condition, you become worthy. Therefore, it will be granted when you petition after setting the conditions.

Those who live receiving blessings through petitioning are like a high mountain and those who live without receiving blessings are like the flat ground. Also, those who live receiving blessings are like a warmed floor in the winter and those who live without receiving blessings are like a cold floor in the winter.


Those who take action receiving wisdom are like bright lights and those who are ignorant are like darkness.


 If you cannot think of what to ask and what to request, You need to pray deeply and ask. Then you will receive a revelation so that a proper thing will come to mind and you will ask for it.

Holy Son already knows the things that you should have with you. You need to ask for those things. If you try to acquire them on your own, it will take one year, three years, or ten years, or the opportunity will pass by you completely. But if the owner gives it to you, you can acquire them easily.


Pray and bless all of you that you live using it, enjoying it and rejoicing with the Holy Son.


12/26/2012 12:12:46 AM