
1. The Spiritual World 2. Now Is the Time to Stop It and Live Loving the Holy Son

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Matthew 24:35
35) Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
John 14:15

15) If you love me, keep my commands.



Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.


According to the deeds of ‘the body,’ which lived serving and loving the Creator and lived only as God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son wanted, that ‘spirit’ will go to and live in Heaven that is prepared [for them].


The purpose for which God created heaven, earth, and human beings is to make human beings come to Heaven and live with Him forever by having their bodies love God absolutely and thus transform their spirits into perfect spirits of love according to the deeds of their bodies.


God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son gave the opportunity to believe in the Holy Trinity to everyone in this world throughout their entire lifetime. They gave the opportunities to believe while enlightening people through ‘conscience,’ through ‘people,’ and through ‘nature.’


According to the deeds that the ‘bodies’ of human beings have done before God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son on earth and according to the deeds they have done before the savior, their ‘souls and spirits’ transform and become formed. Based on how their souls and spirits are formed, they are each separated and go to DIFFERENT SPIRITUAL WORLDS AND DIFFERENT LOCATIONS.

Even though [everyone] lives on the same EARTH, they live separated into different ‘nations,’ right? And even within each nation, people live separated into tens of thousands of different levels based on ‘the differences of each person’s life.’ The spiritual world is like this too.

I hope that everyone complete the Purpose of Creation, become the ‘Trinity’s counterparts of love,’ and live eternally in the PURE GOLD CITY OF HEAVEN.

Now is the time that you only need to do the work of living while loving with the Holy Son 100%. You should, in the present, harvest the hard work and effort you invested in the PAST, love with and enjoy with the Holy Son, and also sow seeds for the FUTURE.


living your life while loving the Holy Son in your life by become one in love is the blessing.


11/29/2013 12:34:26 PM