
Believe that the Holy Son is working through the body, and listen to His words and take action [on them].

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung, Myeong Seok

[Scripture] John 5:24

Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

Hallelujah!I bid you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

One Word from the Holy Son is worth ‘a quadrillion pieces of gold.’ As much as you hear [those words] and put them to practice, they become life, as much as you hear them and take action on them you will be blessed, as much as you hear them and take action on them they become your guardian and protect you, as much as you hear them and take action on them your hopes will come true, and as much as you hear and take action on them you will be transformed and will receive eternal blessings. 

As for <deep secrets>, the Holy Son whispers them; as for <general things>, He proclaims them to everyone. If you want to hear the sounds of the Holy Son whispering, you must pray deeply. 

[God] created the ‘heaven and earth and all of creation’ and created the ‘bodies and spirits of human beings’ so that we would take God and the Holy Son as ‘bridegrooms’ and live as Their brides. [God] created us so that in our bodies, we would become and live as the ‘Trinity’s counterparts of love;’ and in our spirits, we would become and live as the Trinity’s counterparts of love forever in Heaven. Human beings must fulfill this responsibility during the time they live in the world. Only then will they become ‘people qualified to rapture,’ and the Holy Son will approve them to ‘be raptured.’

<Human beings> are ‘God’s greatest works of art.’The <Earth> is the ‘stage that God made for us.’ The person, who lives fulfilling the Purpose of Creation by living their lives loving God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, hearing the Word of the time period, and living righteously, is the 'greatest person on the earth’ and the ‘greatest artist.’ 

 ‘Jesus’ path of the cross’ was the path that he had no choice but to take in order to save the people who disbelieved Jesus and the people he needed to save. The only ‘way to save them’ was for the Messiah, who would atone for the sins of mankind, to die on their behalf and thus lead them to the path of life and make them into [people who] belong to God. 

The same goes for the <Reformation>. God intended to do things in new ways by working through the people who were already believing in God and Jesus to make even the non-believers believe. However, because the people who were already believing disbelieved, He made history in a new way with the new young people. Through that, [He] gave birth to <Protestant Christianity>.

Soon there will be separation from the Holy Son. The Holy Son will leave soon. No one knows that day or the time. Therefore, live a life in which you live holding and loving the Holy Son all day with the thought that “It is only for today.” If you do, even if you do separate, He will come again someday someday because of the love that was established until then. 

I hope that you would take action according to today's message and establish the love with the Holy Son now so that you will meet the Holy Son again at a later time even if you part from Him.

3/11/2014 10:13:20 PM