
The ‘Skill’ is not the problem. The ‘Constitution is the problem.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scriptures] James 4:8
8) Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-m

Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled abundantly with the ‘love of the eternal Holy Father God’ and the ‘peace of the Holy Son.’

As for people, if people do not move their BODIES and sit still, their bodies will become hardened. Their arms, legs, shoulders, neck, lower back, and others will become stiff as much as they do not move them.When this builds up, it becomes the CONSTITUTION OF THE BODY and you cannot do things beyond that limit.

The BRAIN too, things become its ‘constitution’ and ‘habit’ according to whatever you think.

Even if it is a GOLDEN VESSEL, if you put trash in it, it becomes a ‘trash can.’ Even if it is a CLAY VESSEL, if you put gemstones in it, it becomes a ‘gemstone case.’

The BODY, the BRAIN, and the THOUGHTS are also ‘vessels.’

Depending on what you put in them, they become the ‘body’s constitution, the brain’s constitution, and the thoughts’ constitution.’

Since the Almighty God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son created human beings, we must listen to Their Words and take action with the ‘thoughts of the Almighty’ contained in us. Then [your constitution] will become a ‘heavenly body constitution, heavenly brain constitution, and heavenly thought constitution.’

Do not think that your HARDENED CONSTITUTION is your limit and say ‘it will not work. It is hard.’ Instead, while constantly loosening your body, brain, and thoughts, you should gradually transform your BODY’S CONSTITUTION, BRAIN’S CONSTITUTION, and THOUGHT’S CONSTITUTION.

Everything you do in life does not happen at ‘one time.’ Your level will not become high at ‘one time.’

You should do it step by step, level by level, and gradually. Then when doing that has become your CONSTITUTION and your HABIT, you raise your level to the next level and take action if ‘there is nothing ‘wrong.’

For example, when running laps around a sports field, you start by running ‘three laps.’ Once that becomes the CONSTITUTION of your body, brain, and heart, and running ‘three laps’ is not a problem, you can handle it, and you can do it naturally, then you must run ‘five laps’ next and make it your CONSTITUTION. 

Once running ‘five laps’ has become your CONSTITUTION and you can handle it without any problems, then you must run ‘seven laps’ and make it your CONSTITUTION.

Whenever you are doing anything, there must not be anything wrong with your BODY, BRAIN, and THOUGHTS. You must raise your level gradually step by step.

‘It is to take action everyday.' 'It is to think everyday.'  

A beautiful sculpture too, cannot be made with just a few strikes with a chisel. 

It is made through repeating dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of strikes.You must do it by repeating it every day. 

Then it becomes your ‘constitution.’

It is to ‘make your constitution into the HOLY SON the Lord’S CONSTITUTION. Only then you will become raptured. Only then you can live with the Holy Son Lord eternally. 

To become the HOLY SON Lord’S CONSTITUTION, you must think about the Holy Son every day and take action every day according to the Holy Son Lord’s thoughts.

Also you must fix all the bad character, temper, harsh way of speaking, and bad deeds.  

After you listen to this message, Do not be locked up in YOUR CONSTITUTION, YOUR THOUGHTS, AND YOUR PREFERENCES and have a hard time because you are unable to overcome ‘your limitations.’ Instead, I bless that you will rise to the higher level by gradually loosening up your HARDENED BODIES, BRAINS, AND THOUGHTS.

5/9/2014 3:42:30 PM