
Be diligent and so take possession of the HOLY SON and take possession of the RAPTURE.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scriptures] Proverbs 12:24

Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.

Proverbs 12:27

The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

Hallelujah! To all of you who came today also to present your ‘sincere bodies and hearts’ and to give glory to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

If you want to exist, you must fight against yourself and win. 
If you want to gain something you want, you must fight against yourself and win.
If you want to do well and prosper, you must first fight against yourself and win.

The words, ‘Fight against yourself and win’ refer to ‘hard work, effort, struggling, and sweating.’ 

There are ‘people who live their lives without hard work and effort,’ and there are ‘people who live their lives with hard work and effort.’ It is ultimately to enable YOURSELF to exist that you work hard and put forth effort. LIVING TRULY COMFORTABLY is to live working hard, putting forth effort, and taking action even if it is difficult and arduous, and by continually doing so, gaining the ‘things you should gain.’ 

While trying to be comfortable, people ultimately end up being ‘lazy.’ Ultimately, they become even more uncomfortable.

A diligent rabbit recognizes a lazy person and just lives in his house feeling completely safe. It even sleeps without a care in front of him. It is because the person will not catch the rabbit even if it is in front of him because he is lazy. Even though a pheasant was playing in his yard and is now tired and sleeping, a lazy person will find it bothersome and difficult and so will not catch it.

A lazy person cannot live a ‘diligent life’ at all because their BRAIN AND BODY are completely hardened.

Doing ‘a lot’ is important too but doing things ‘at the right time,’ is important. The person who does things at the ‘right time’ is the person who is diligent. If you do not do things at the ‘right time,’ even if you have done ‘a lot,’ you cannot gain.

A lazy person keeps putting off work even though they are capable of doing it if they did it. A person who keeps putting off work they should do is a person who is really lazy. For the sake of ‘your existence,’ you must get right up when the time comes, and start the day. All of it is for the sake of ‘your own existence.’

Success must be eternal. Something that ends after you enjoy for a short time is not success. It is the SPIRIT that must succeed. Then it is eternal. MATERIAL WEALTH, GAMES, THE OPPOSITE SEX, AND THE WORLD are ‘there.’ No matter who they are, if they get immersed in ‘there,’ then they treat those things as life.

A person who has become immersed with drinking and smoking will talk about them while pointing out only their POSITIVE POINTS. A person who has become immersed with the opposite sex will live just pointing out the POSITIVE POINTS. They treat those things as life because they are living immersed in ‘there.’As a result of the ‘positive points they assess,’ they will ultimately lose their HEALTH, lose SALVATION, and lose the RAPTURE. 

I bless all of you to fight against yourselves and win for YOUR SAKE, get out of being lazy and become diligent, and so take possession of the HOLY SON.

5/31/2014 11:07:07 AM