
Do your responsibility DOING YOUR RESPONSIBILITY allows you to achieve your purpose and make your hopes come true.

본문 .



[Scriptures]  John 16:21-24

21. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. 

22. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. 

23. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 

24. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Hallelujah! I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 
God has established the 'most appropriate law' for human beings. That [law] is HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY. 
He has established the ‘most appropriate law’ that when human beings DO THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES, things are comfortable and good for them, and when they don't DO THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES, things are painful for them and their work do not go well.

God does BIG THINGS for you, but as for SMALL THINGS, you should do your responsibilities through putting forth effort, studying, and working hard ‘yourself.’ 

It is like this: When 'parents' grow grains and give those grains to their children, the 'children' should study, work hard, and use those grains to make 'rice cake,' make 'steamed rice,' make 'bread,' and make 'various different types of food,' and eat them according to their own unique characteristics. 

Even if 'God' gives us FOOD TO EAT, ultimately 'you, yourself' have to eat that food in order for you to exist; 'you, yourself' have to eat that food in order to taste its flavor and have satisfaction; and 'you, yourself' have to eat it in order to feel the joy.
Likewise, 'God' can do the GIVING, but He cannot do the EATING for us. Therefore, EATING must be done by 'each one of us.' 
RESPONSIBILITY is as important as 'breathing' when it comes to allowing you to exist.

Even if someone is a lover who loves you so much, they cannot breathe on your behalf. 

Ultimately, if you don't do the breathing yourself, you cannot exist. 

Also, RESPONSIBILITY is 'your work' that you must surely do when it comes to existing yourself. 
As for fixing your heart and character, putting on clothes, eating, sleeping - neither your 'brothers' nor 'lovers' can do these for you. 
There are responsibilities that your 'brothers or lovers' should do for you, but in order for you, yourself to exist, ultimately, 'you, yourself' must do your responsibilities. 

If you want to do your responsibility, first, you must fix yourself and make yourself.

The reason people fail to do their responsibilities and live difficult lives no matter what they do is because their HEARTS AND THOUGHTS are in the wrong state; their CONSTITUTIONS are not made right; and they have not made themselves.

It is because you did not make a 'knife' first that you say “This is hard. I cannot do this.” while cutting the food with 'your own hand' when you should cut food with a knife when cooking. 

It is because you failed to make an 'excavator crane' first that you say, “This is hard. This is impossible.” while lifting something with 'your own hands and body' when you are supposed to lift it with an excavator crane.

Likewise, doing your responsibilities is easy as much as you have fixed and made yourself.

However, you should do your responsibilities, but you must do them at the 'right time.'
If you intend to eat after the table of food has been removed, you cannot eat because there is no food. Just as you must do your responsibilities and eat when the table of food is prepared, you must do YOUR RESPONSIBILITY according to 'God's time.' Then you will gain according to the hard work you have put in.
If a hunter shoots his gun or sets a snare after an animal has passed by, even if he does his responsibilities, it is worthless effort. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES too. If you fail to do them at the right time, it is worthless effort. 

Likewise, since everything requires RESPONSIBILITY, I pray that you will not lose the precious time but by diligently making yourselves and doing your responsibilities, you will achieve YOUR PURPOSE and fulfill YOUR HOPES. 


7/16/2014 9:24:31 PM