
The core of love, the essence of love is 'brain love*.'

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok
[Scriptures] Matthew 22:37-38

37) “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  

38) This is the first and greatest commandment.
(* Translation note: ‘Brain love’ refers to love that is done with the brain.) 

Hallelujah! I pray that all of you will be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

You can tell what that person is living for from just seeing what they think about <love> and live their lives taking action on it.  

When it comes to <love>, people think only about the ‘excitement and joy that come from physical relation.*’ (* translation note: all references to physical relations refer to sexual relations.)

If ‘physical relations’ is the <core of love>, the <essence of love>, and the <life of love>, it would mean that people, for whom ‘physical relations’ is not possible, such as the elderly, babies, children, those who live without knowing sexual things cannot enjoy the <core of love>, the <essence of love>, and the <life of love>.

When parents love their children too, there is no ‘physical relation.’ Yet they live enjoying the joy of love that reaches even to the heavens. Hundreds and thousands of kinds of joy come because of that love. 
Love between us and God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son is like this also. However, [this love] is the ‘ultimate and fundamental love’ that cannot be compared with ‘physical relation love.’

‘The body part for physical love’ is not the essence. A person feels all the joy and excitement in the ‘brain.’ Therefore, God stimulates our ‘cerebral nerves’ and lets us feel love and live rejoicing. 
The <core of love>, the <essence of love> is the 'brain.'
It is because all the tens of millions of kinds of joy and excitement are felt through the 'brain.'
That's why you must achieve love through the 'brain.' This is the 'golden gemstone love that is so precious and valuable.'

God centers on ‘brain love.’
Elderly adults, young boys and girls, people who don't know about sexual things – [God] made it so that all of them will know <brain love> and live feeling the extreme peak love.

The <brain> performs 'tens of billions of functions of love.'
While mentally loving nature such as trees or rocks, and also loving the environment, the [brain] feels excitement from each one and rejoices.
Also, as for the <brain>, with just food that is eaten alone, it gets excited and feels joy in hundreds of millions of ways, and endorphins of love are generated.
In this way, if you love through the 'brain,' you will gain millions of kinds of things.

If you love God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, because that becomes loving all the billions of things that God has made, you will enjoy love in billions of different ways.

After hearing today's message, I hope that through the <brain>, you will open your ‘eyes of loving creation, loving the environment, loving human beings, loving the Word, and loving God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son'!

9/26/2014 3:58:40 PM