
The way a human being becomes and lives as a ‘divine being’.

본문 .



Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

Scriptures: John 10:35

  1. “... If he called them ‘god,’ to whom the Word of God came - and Scripture cannot be set aside - ...”

Halllelujah! I bless all of you to be filled with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

In today’s main scriptures it says, “A person to whom the Word of God comes becomes a god.”

The Word is ‘God, Himself’ and God is the ‘Divine Being,’ so the one who receives the Word of God also becomes a ‘divine being.’

As Moses received the Word of God and cried it out, the people referred to Moses as a ‘god’. As God gave His Word of the time period to Jesus, Jesus became a ‘god’ and cried out the Word.

The Word is God, the Word is the Holy Spirit, and the Word is the Holy Son.

Therefore, the person who has received the Word becomes a person who has received God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, and so will become a ‘divine being’ and live [as a divine being].

Before creating ‘heaven and earth’, God made a perfect design from the beginnning. Then He made [all things] perfectly according to that ‘perfect design.’

That is why even though the sun, the moon, the start, and the Earth have been used for billions of years, they have not become broken and are operating perfectly. That is why the Earth operates well without straying from its orbit even once allowing people and various living things to live on the Earth.  

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son design 100% perfectly from the start, from the time They are designing. They designed perfectly before taking action.

If we want to follow and become divine beings as human beings, before we make, we must come up with a ‘perfect design’ at the time of designing, and make it perfectly and properly according to ‘that design’ when making something.

It is to have a ‘perfect design’ before making something and it is to then take action one by one.

Once you have designed something incorrectly, even if you were to make it while sweating, you could make it only to 90%.

If you want to be perfect and complete, it is to ‘design perfectly, to plan perfectly’ before taking action.

Then you will become like the ‘Divine Being’ and so even the things at which you would have failed, you would succeed and win; even in places you in which would have died, you would survive; even people who would have died from sickness would live again; even problems that would have occurred will not occur; and even a house that would have become a house of mourning would become a house of feasting.

I pray that you will listen to today’s the Word, and be lead by God to live life like a ‘divine being.’

11/2/2014 4:50:15 AM