
Do it in a new way

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
Romans 12:2
2) Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the love and peace of the Holy Son.

If you reach <limitations> at this point, your ‘path ahead’ will be blocked and so you cannot move forward. The way to be prosperous and the way to be victorious at this point is to ‘do it in a new way.’ Doing things in new ways is the ‘answer to the problem.’ It is ‘the solution to the problem.’ It is ‘the way of hope.’

The way to do things in new ways is

first, ‘going to a new place,’ 

and second, ‘remaining in the same place but raising the level and doing things in new ways.’

Doing things in these two ways is doing things in new ways.

In the beginning, you can’t even dream of doing things in new ways but you surely have to do them in new ways.
Do it in a new way. 
This message is ‘a vanguard to a prosperous life.’
Doing everything you do in the world in new ways is the answer. That is the honey [sweet] taste. That is the table of splendid delicacies.

Since you do things in new ways, worries, concerns, and anxieties will disappear,

[your life] will be easy and comfortable, and you will become someone who lives in the ideal world.

A person has to always do things in new ways. Then their <hearts and thoughts> will become new and their <actions> will become new too.

Through that, ‘new strength’ will spring up, ‘the fire of new hope’ will catch on, and they will gain ‘new things’ once again. Therefore, they will come to have celebrations. Hence, they will gain ‘new strength’ again, and they will receive ‘new grace.’

I bless everyone to center on <the Holy Son Lord's Word> and gain new things by taking action in new ways after listening to today's message. 

3/17/2015 9:53:29 AM