
Be a counterpart

본문 .



[Message]Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures]1 Kings 11:38

If you do whatever I command you and walk in obedience to me and do what is right in my eyes by obeying my decrees and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you.

[Reference]John 4: 3~30 (Samaritan woman)

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

People look for someone who has the same heart and thoughts as they do in order to marry or in order to work together.
To be a counterpart of love one must match ‘the love,’
and to be a counterpart of work, one must match ‘the desired purpose and Will.’

Likewise, to become a counterpart, the heart and thoughts must fit.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, also look for counterparts who have the same heart and thoughts as the Trinity. What kind of a counterpart would They look for?

According to God’s Purpose of Creation, They look for counterparts of love who love the Trinity, that is counterparts who will love Them as brides, and those who have the same thoughts as the Trinity, to the point their eyes hurt.

Water connects with water, fire connects with fire, electricity connects with electricity, and electrical waves connect with dentical electrical waves.
In this way,
both the Holy Son and the Lord connect with those who have the same thoughts [as They do]. Therefore, they make a person who has the same thoughts [as Them] their counterpart and use them as such.

Just as a person picks up and uses whatever they need’ at each moment in their everyday life at each moment God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son take ‘he appropriate people who have the Trinity’s thoughts as their counterparts’from among all the members of the humanity since they have become united in heart with them. That is why a person should not say that [the Trinity] use only him alone and centers only on himself. Everyone must respect and love each other.

If you live according to the Word, you become ‘the Trinity’s counterpart and the Lord’s counterpart.’It is because the Word is God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son, and the Lord.
Just as The Trinity is the core and the Lord is the core, the Word is the core.

Listening to today's Word, I bless everyone to become the Trinity’s counterparts of love  and become counterparts who are appropriate for each time!


4/29/2015 9:17:57 PM