
Truth and the Holy Spirit. The limits of human beings and spirits.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] John 5:24

Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not judged but has crossed over from death to life.

1 Corinthians 15:53
For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Whether you will go to the good world or the world of darkness that is evil and bad is determined by your thoughts and your actions. Just as you make objects and environments with your own hands, when it comes to your life, it is made good or even is made bad depending on how you think and how you act.

When it comes to life, it is dependent on how each person makes their life. The material with which you can make your body, thoughts, soul, and spirit great and eternal is

only the Word that the eternal God, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit have given through the savior.

Like the Word in John 5:24, you should believe in God, but [at the same time] you should listen clearly to the Word of the savior who is sent by God, and live taking action on it. Only then will your body, thoughts, soul, and spirit be made great and eternal. So you will come to live life that is ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times more gratifying.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, who created Heaven, Earth, and human beings, in order to go beyond the limits of the spirit and save human beings and fulfill the Purpose for creating heaven and earth and human beings, They choose the most worthy person in the world from that time period, a person in the world who loves the Trinity absolutely, a person in the world who has realized and know correctly about the Trinity, teach that person, give that person the Word that will fulfill God’s Will and Purpose, let him deliver it, and take action through that person’s body. They carry out the history of salvation while taking action through his body.

At the time of the Old Testament, [the Trinity] wore the body of Moses and gave the Word that pertained to that time period  and let him deliver that Word to everyone. God made them to believe in God and receiving salvation through Moses, [the Trinity] fulfilled the Old Testament salvation history.

At the time of the New Testament, [the Trinity] wore ‘the body of Jesus’ and gave the Word that pertained to that time period and let him deliver that Word to everyone.
Through that, by making them believe Jesus as ‘the savior’ and believing in God and receiving salvation through Jesus, [the Trinity] fulfilled the New Testament salvation history.

Even if heaven and earth change, the Word of truth will never change and everything will surely be fulfilled according to the Word! So I ask you to know this and realize it.

I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the truth and the Holy Spirit.

7/13/2015 12:01:52 PM