
The Word is the path. It is to converse as you travel that path. It is to put things into practice.

본문 .

Wednesday Message by Pastor Jung Myeong Seok


[Message] Pastor Junb Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

John 10:35
If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

God created people so that their brains would connect even with God. If you want to use a human brain in the most ideal way, receive the Word of the Holy Trinity who are the Creators and receive Their mentality and thoughts. If you do, you can connect with God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son who are the Creators.

If your brain becomes hardened, you will think and take action in that way.  Therefore, think of God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the savior every day. Pray every day. Call on the Trinity and the savior frequently. Every day, listen to God’s Word’ and receive His thoughts. Only then will your thoughts and actions become new everyday, and only then will you feel the reality and live an active life everyday.

It is conversation. Hearing sermons and listening to lectures is not a life of faith. You cannot live your life of faith sufficiently with just those things alone. It is to always converse with the Trinity; converse with the savior; and converse with your brothers.

The Word is the path. As you are traveling on this path, you should talk to the Trinity, the savior and your brothers.

A person lives with thoughts. Thoughts are actually words. People live while speaking. Therefore, to think means to speak. To call. And to Converse. [The Word] says to think about God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the savior. It means to converse with God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the savior. It is to live your life while conversing with the Trinity and the savior.

Words are actually actions and putting things into practice. People live while taking action. Therefore to speak means to take action. To Put things into practice.  
I bless everyone to listen to the Word well, receive the thoughts of the Divine Being and live while taking action.

<Pastor Jung Myeong Soek’s wednesday message summary on August 5, 2015>

8/6/2015 11:22:41 AM