
If you don’t want to worry the Trinity, you must do things till the end. You must do things till the end. Only then will questions and misunderstandings be resolved and you will even makeup for your losses.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Psalms 23:5 

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

During the Olympics, in each of the competitions, only those who have competed till the end are acknowledged and medals are given among those people.  
Even if a person was running in the 1st place at first or in the middle, 

how can a medal be given to someone who gave up in the middle 

and failed to compete till the end?

Only someone who ultimately won by taking action till the end will win a medal. 

God also gives the reward for your hard work that has been done so far at the end. 

Therefore, you have to do things until the end.

The people in the Bible too. 

Because they did things till the end, they resolved all their questions and misunderstandings, received blessings, and came to shine like the sun.

King David also suffered all kinds of tribulations, persecutions, and suffering at the hand of Saul and the agony of war at the hand of neighboring nations. 

Yet, he believed in and relied on God till the end.

At this, because God was with him, he was victorious in everything, he ruled the nation peacefully, 

all of his questions regarding why he suffered so much at the hand of Saul until then were answered and he received the rewards for all the things he endured until then. 

He made confessions to God through poems.

<Psalms 23:5>

You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

The presence of his enemies is the end.

When he did it till the end, God rewarded him for everything at the end.

Joseph was hated by his brothers because of a dream, was sold to Egypt, 

and lived as a slave.

There, he was once again falsely accused of sexual misdeeds, and was put in prison.
He went to prison and interpreted the dreams of those who were in prison. 

He ultimately interpreted the king’s dream, and solved a serious problem for Egypt. 

Through that, he became the vizier of Egypt.

When he overcame all tribulations and hardships and went to the end relying only on God 

and loving Him, all of his problems got solved, his brothers who sold him to Egypt out of hatred submitted to him, he fulfilled God’s Will, he resolved his stories, and made his wishes come true.

When you look at the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, 

those who did things till the end had all their past questions answered 

and received not only things of Heaven but also things of the earth.


Someone who doesn’t do things till the end is like a person who leaves his house in the morning, does his work, stops on his way home at night and sleeps on the streets. 

Someone who does not do things till the end will be unable to gain the answers and will live unjustly with questions and burdens.

Everyone, you must go till the end while taking action.
You have to do things till the end. Only then will questions and misunderstandings be resolved and will you even make up for your losses and know what God has done. Therefore, I bless all of you to take action until the end 

so that the Holy Trinity will not worry. 

1/5/2016 4:11:01 PM