
You have to truly realize what is precious. Only then will you raise your level.

본문 .



[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Matthew 16:26


I bless you to be abundantly filled with the love of the eternal God, the peace of the Holy Son, 

and the fiery inspiration, movement and the working of the Holy Spirit.

People will not take adult actions when their thoughts are child-level.

People will not believe in God through their actions 

when their thoughts say that there is no God.

People will not follow with their actions when they don’t believe in the Lord in their thoughts.

That is why you first have to raise the level of your thoughts if you want to raise your level.

You have to raise the level of your thoughts. 

Only then will the level of your actions rise.

Starting from now, I will give you a detailed message about what you must do 

in order for your level to rise, and what you must raise your level in regards to.

I am going to give you a detailed message.

Don’t have just general knowledge from learning.

But instead, you must have clear knowledge about what you have learned.

If you want to have clear knowledge about what you have learned, then you must realize!

The level of knowing something simply as knowledge as a result of learning it is completely different from the level of realizing.

Even if you have learned about the Lord and know, if you fail to realize, 

you will believe in an ordinary way, 

even if you hear the Word, you will take action in an ordinary way, 

and even if you live your life of faith, you will take action in an ordinary way.

However, those who have truly realized the Lord 

will live their lives 100 or 1000 times differently.

Therefore, by taking action at higher levels, their bodies, souls, and spirits will all transform.

You have to truly realize. Only then will your level of thoughts, sense of value, way of treating other people, way of seeing other people and level of your actions all rise.

In this way, I hope that you will realize about just how precious you, yourself are, 

and use yourself in a valuable way.

If you fail to realize, 

you will not know just how precious your body, which was born in this time period, is. 

Therefore, you will think of it as ordinary. 


You have to raise the level of your thoughts and realizations about the value of your own body.

If you do that, you will rejoice and run and sprint enthusiastically 

according to your individual uniqueness.

Also, you will live joyfully with hope, not get discouraged, but overcome the world.

People usually value other people and consider them precious based on: 

“This person is famous. This person is wealthy. This person is powerful. This person is a worldly celebrity. This person is a beautiful woman. This person has great looks.”

People’s bodies are so very precious and important 

even if they do not have any honor, wealth, power, or good looks. 

Matthew 16:26 says, What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Life is something you cannot give in exchange even for the whole world.

Once the body dies, everything ends.

Even if you have fame, wealth, power, and great looks, 

if your body dies, all of them are useless.

First, your body must be living.

Then you will dream, challenge yourself, make hopes come true, and gain, use, and enjoy.

Why are you, yourselso very precious? There is a reason you are truly important.


With your body, by believing in the savior that God sent, listening to His Word, 

loving God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, and being led by the Holy Spirit 

and taking action according to the Lord’s Word, 

you rapture your spirit, enable it to go to the Golden City of Heaven 

and let it live there forever. 

That is why your body is so precious.

You live 100 years of life.

Even then, in 70~90 years your life is mostly over.

That is why fame, power, wealth, and good looks are not precious compared to what is eternal.

They are precious only during your lifetime, only during the time your body is alive.


However, your body and thoughts are so precious and important 

because you can make your spirit go to and live in the eternal world 

with your thoughts and your body

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son carry out through the saviour They sent

the work of letting people work through their bodies to make, save, and rapture their spirits 

so they will live forever.

That is why your thoughts and body are so very precious 

and that is why the savior who will let you be eternally valuable, is so very precious and important.

Something momentary can never rival something eternal.

Farming and making a living with dirt is knowing in an ordinary way.

If you realize what is more precious 

and use the dirt to make 10 million or 30 million dollar pottery and sell it, 

the value of that is incomparably more tremendous.

In this way, if you don’t use your body just for living life 

but use it to let your spirit live forever in Heaven by saving it and rapturing it, 

then you will use your body and thoughttrillions of times more valuably.

Don’t think of yourself as worthless because you are not that impressive, 

don’t have fame, don’t have power, don’t have wealth, and don’t have good looks.

If you have heard the Almighty’s Word of this time period and have raptured,

God sees you as more precious than anyone under heaven and on earth, 

your spirit becomes an eternally precious spirit

and accordingly, your body also becomes a precious body under heaven and on earth.

As a human being, there is no greater value than that. 

By listening to and learning today’s Word well, 

I bless you to raise the level of thoughts and the level of realizations about yourself

and raise the level of your actions, take action in various ways 

and drastically raise multiple levels one at a time!

1/15/2016 5:18:10 PM