
Give it all your heart, will and life. Go on the path of life even if it is difficult.

본문 .






[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 22:37 

Love the Lord your God 

with all your heart, with all your will and with all your life.

There were two different paths before Jesus.

They were the path of the Lord of glory and the path of the Lord of affliction

as was written in the Bible.

If the people of that time period believed in and accepted Jesus, 

he would follow the path of glory

but if they did not believed in and accept him, 

he would walk the path of affliction.

However, the chance of Jesus being the Lord of glory 

was 10% on the side of success and 90% on the side of failure.

The Savior alone cannot fulfill salvation.

It is fulfilled when others believe, follow, and take action. 

However, the people who had believed in God while centering on the old Laws 

failed to forsake their former ways, and disbelieved, persecuted and opposed Jesus.

So there was only a 10%~20% probability 
that Jesus would walk on the path of glory on the side of success.

Despite that, even with that slim 10% probability, 

Jesus accomplished it in the end! 

How did he manage to do that?
He did it until the end with all his heart, will, and life
and therefore paid the price of sin on behalf of the sinners 
by giving his own body over to the cross.  

Through the condition of absolute love and sacrifice,

he turned the tables that had tilted toward death, 

opened the path of salvation for all mankind

 and made the new history, the path of the New Testament!

I pray that all of you will make the Lord your head, become his body, 

and equip yourself with his mentality and thoughts completely.

I pray that you will also receive the mentality of going on the path of life even though it is difficult, 

and that you will do it with all your heart, will, and life, 

and become successful both in your faith and life.  

4/28/2016 7:01:15 AM