
The Field of the Heart

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 13:3-9 

In the Bible Jesus mentioned four different fields of the heart:

a rocky field, a field as hard as pavement, a field of thistles, and a fertile field.


Good people, righteous people, and kind people belong in the fertile field category. 

If the Word of truth is sown into a fertile field of the heart,

the person can live a life of goodness, bear the fruit of goodness and 

aim to reach the world of goodness. 

That's it's so important to make your heart good and kind.

When you make your heart good and kind, 

God can work upon you, and you can connect to God's 'goodness.'

If the Word is sown in a good field, then it will reap a benefit 

300 or 400 times what was sown,

but if it is sown in a bad field or a field with thistles, it will result in a loss 300 or 400 times what was sown, even though you work hard. 

Therefore, you should have good character, endure, persevere, believe in God until the end rather than doubting right away after hearing someone's words, and go forward always being grateful, thankful, and rejoicing. 


Everyone, become a clean field by diligently removing all the rocks from the field of your heart,

become a fertile field by making your character diligently, 

and take action upon the Word of God. 

I bless all of you to live like this. 

6/9/2016 4:32:36 PM