
Learn from me. (Learn from God. Learn from the Lord.)

본문 .

[Scriptures] Isaiah 45:11-13

[Reference] Matthew 11:28-30

The act of learning is absolutely indispensable in the life of us, human beings, 

and it is relevant to our lives.

There is a saying, “Learn from when you are born and  until you die.”

You learn in the morning and utilize it in the afternoon,

and you learn in the past and utilize it in the future. So learn.

A person who learns can live a comfortable life,

is used, and valued as much as he has learnt.

In today’s scriptures, God said,

“Learn from Me.

Ask Me about what is to come.

I created everything, so ask Me.”

And Apostle Paul said,

“I consider everything a loss

because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

(Philippians 3:8)

Like this, the greatest thing for human beings is

to learn about and know God.

First is learning, second is training,

third is action, fourth is reward,

fifth is utilizing, sixth is satisfaction,

seventh is giving glory to God and shining,

and then finally you pass it on to your descendants and coach them so they can lead the history.

Everyone, do you want to learn about God?

I bless all of you to empty your hearts so that you can learn from Him,

keep Him close, love Him, and live at the highest standard.

9/1/2016 9:42:01 AM