
Freewill: Faith that can be helped and faith that can’t be helped.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok 

[Scriptures] Matthew 7:21 
 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, 

but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

God does all the things He should essentially do as God.

However, people have to do the things that they, themselves, should do.

The formula for living life is the same for everyone.

Even non-believers will gain in work or running a business

 if they absolutely take action and work diligently; 

and if they don't do that, they cannot gain.

In this way, even if you believe in God and the Lord, if you simply believe in an ordinary way, 

you will only realise about half of the value and benefit.

The more you absolutely believe and live the life of salvation and rapture, 

the more clearly you will know the value and the more you will gain.

God does nothing without involving human free will.

God rewards each person fully according to their deeds 

and according to how they have treated God, without overlooking even the tiniest item.

I hope that you will realize just how precious and important it is to

live in the domain of God listening to the Word of life

consider that your joy every day, and invest your life in it!

I earnestly wish and pray that all of you will truly realize and live united with the Lord.

9/14/2016 5:33:18 AM