
<Man’s deeds> become words and are heard in God’s ears.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
Psalms 19:3-4

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

John 10:35

If he called them ‘gods’, to whom the word of God came- and Scripture cannot be set aside-

How do the <words of human beings> get conveyed to ‘God’?


If a human being listens to ‘God’s Word’ really well, truly values it and takes action on it,

<their actions> will become ‘words’ and get heard in God’s ears.

Additionally, <the actions a human being has taken> become ‘visuals’ and God sees them all.


<Hearing God’s Word, valuing it, and taking action on it> become translated spiritually and are seen by God’s eyes and heard in God’s ears ten times or a hundred times more intensely.

Then, how does <God> speak to ‘human beings’?

God does not call our names and speak to us with <spoken words>.

Instead, he replies to us through <Creation>, <circumstances>, or the <environment>.

At those moments the Holy Spirit lets us realize and take action on God’s Word by inspiring us.

In this manner, God and human beings communicate.

In this world too--‘language’ is so valuable and plays a huge role in our lives.

Nothing could be done if there were no ‘languages’ and people could not have conversations.

Because we have <languages> we can communicate and fulfill the Will with each other.

You have to have ‘conversations’ with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son.

Only then will you be able to converse and fulfill the Will.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will learn ‘Heaven’s universal language’

by paying attention to God’s Word, taking action on it,

and studying <revelations through creation>.

10/25/2016 3:59:10 PM