
Develop yourself and your daily life well

본문 .












[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok
[Scriptures] Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing

with the glory that will be revealed in us.

There was a unique image rock; however, people did not buy it.
After looking carefully, I realized that people refused to buy it because of its ‘flaw’.

But it was a masterpiece when the flaw was not considered.

Rocks cannot be sold because of their flaws and negative aspects.
However, they become masterpieces

if you buy them and fix their flaws and negative aspects.

In this way, each person has negatives. Due to these negatives, they are not valued.

God is designing and leading you so that you will enhance

the positives and fix the negatives.
Therefore, you can fix the negatives by working with God who is an expert at making people.

All you need to do is act according to the Will of God.

Once you fix the negatives and make yourself well, even if it is difficult and challenging,

you will become a masterpiece life.

Therefore, it is for each of you to make the parts about yourself

that are difficult to make and make your daily life beautiful.

Regardless of the matter, you would be short on time

if you intended to be used only after you are fully made.

It is beneficial to use yourself while fixing and developing yourself

because then you will be used for a long time.

Therefore, you must run quickly, develop quickly, and fix yourself quickly while living life.

Only then can you use your life greatly.

Everyone, examine your daily life.
If you start late, your day is short.
As a result, the work keeps getting delayed, and the day ends without being used very much.

When you observe a day’s life, you live one year, ten years, and a lifetime in a similar way.

You are unable to see the finer details when you look at things on a big scale,

and so you cannot fix yourself.  

However, if you miniaturize it and then look at it, you can see things well, and can easily fix them.

I hope that you will examine one day of your life,

fix yourself, and make yourself and your daily life perfect.


5/11/2017 4:13:12 PM