
Praise with the new songs. A life of wisdom.

본문 .













[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:

The old has gone, the new is here!

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

People manage their health in order to live a long and healthy life.

When people manage their health, they are able to live slightly longer.

However, they cannot live twice as long.


I am going to show you the formula for using time in life.

How much longer are you living than others

if you wake up three hours earlier at predawn than others and use three more hours every day?  

One day is 24 hours, right?

Three hours is 1/8th of 24 hours.

That means, even in one day, you would be living 1/8th more than others

and in thirty years, you would be living three years and nine months more.

After calculating it like this, it was less than I expected.

However, there is a way you can live much longer than others

compared to waking up and taking action a few hours earlier.

It is to receive God’s wisdom and take action a thousand times faster than other people.


When you receive God’s wisdom, you know.

And since you know, you will take action faster.

When you take action faster,

it is as if you are living one hundred or three hundred times longer.    


Let’s say that you were given work that needed to be completed in ten days.

A person who had received God’s wisdom would know

and thus, would get the work done in five days.

Since that person has done it more than twice as fast,

he becomes a person who lives more than twice as long.

Even if you live a long time, if you don’t know, you can’t do it.

That is why you must receive God’s wisdom and live with knowledge.

This is the life of wisdom,

the way to live the longest time,

and the way you can do the most amount of work.  


Solomon prayed and received God’s wisdom.

Don’t think that you have no time.

Instead, read, listen to, and realize

the wisdom contained in the Word and proverbs of the time period,

pray deeply, and thus, take action with wisdom.

5/17/2017 3:45:12 PM