
Learn <the nature-revelations>, <signs>, and <wonders>.

본문 .








[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

When you look at the Bible, there are thousands of places where God spoke to people and gave them revelations through creation and people.

Everything God said using creation as a parable is the Word He spoke through creation and revelations.

God uses His creations as words and writing.  
As God shows us various creations, He lets us make connections with people, buildings, or problems according to the unique qualities of that creation, and enables us to realize the things He wants us to realize.

He first shows you something in creation, and through that, enables you to realize the meaning of that content. So, the creation He is showing you is important, but what you realize through that creation is more important.  


Since you can see the unique qualities, image, and form of that creation with your own eyes, you are able to connect and realize. Thus, you are able to quickly realize and feel it in a practical way.

People use creation as a parable when they try to make someone understand something. For example, when you are describing someone who has a thin waist, people can easily understand you if you use the analogy of an ant, saying, “His waist is like an ant’s waist.”

In the same way, God speaks using something in creation that is applicable as a parable to make it easier for people to understand.


God lets you realize by showing you the creation that is most appropriate for the real intended purpose.  Therefore, even when it comes to nature-revelations, you have to learn just like you would learn academics, how to draw, and how to play various sports!!!

Then you will know.

I hope that all of you will learn Heaven’s language, nature-revelations, always converse with God, gain a lot of things by realizing, and take action on the things that God is making you realize through creation.


8/2/2017 9:44:51 PM