
It is ‘making yourself’ and ‘using’ [yourself].

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scripture] 1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Hallelujah! To all of you who came today also to present your ‘sincere bodies and hearts’ to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son and to give glory through service, I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

The Holy Son said, “Unless you take action, there can be no TRANSFORMATION.” When it comes to life, unless you take action, there can be no TRANSFORMATION even if 1000 years pass. You transform as much as you take action.

Various existing things become made through TRANSFORMATION. When metal that is buried in the ground becomes transformed by going through many processes, according to how they are made, they sometimes become ‘airplanes,’ sometimes become ‘cars,’ and sometimes become ‘bicycles.’ They become transformed and made according to how they are made, and exist that way.  

In this way, according to how your BODY transforms and makes [itself] by taking action on the Word of the time period continually and in stages, your SPIRIT’S FORM is decided.

It is a ‘better transformation.’ If you keep transforming better and better, you will ultimately make your spirit into HEAVENLY FORM.  It is when you have made yourself into the form that God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son want by taking action in the way God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son want and when you use yourself valuably in the way the Trinity want that you become the ‘greatest life,’ and [your spirit] becomes a ‘spirit that shines forever.’

Your LIFE’S DESTINY is determined by how you make yourself. Your LIFE’S BLESSING is also determined by how you make yourself. Your LIFE’S HAPPINESS is also determined by how you make yourself. Your LIFE’S DESTINY, can be moved right or left by ‘you.’ You doing things according to the Almighty’s Will is the ‘answer that makes your LIFE’S DESTINY‘.

Even if you live just a day, you are made according to what you think and do, and according to how you make yourself, the DESTINY OF A DAY gets decided be either positively or negatively.With both OBJECTS and PEOPLE, if you make them in the ‘morning’ even though doing so is arduous, then in the ‘afternoon,’ they are used according to how they were made.

It is to ‘make’ today, and to ‘use’ tomorrow. If you don’t make, there is no hope. You must make. Then it is hope.

6/12/2014 11:38:23 AM