
The value of the story is greater than the value of the creation. What is said while giving a gift is greater than the gift.

본문 .




[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scriptures]Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Hallelujah! I pray that all of you will be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.
People think that living their lives gaining ‘good environments’ or ‘treasures’ is the only thing that is valuable. However, ‘things that are of the world’ are not the only treasures. ‘Living your life knowing and taking action on the Will that God wants’ is eternal treasure and eternal wealth.

CREATION or OBJECTS are not the only precious treasures. The STORIES THAT INVOLVE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND THE HOLY SON are treasures too.

Let's say a ‘small and unsightly tree’ became a spectacle for people among many other trees.

It turned out that a king had always given fertilizer to that tree and the tree survived because the king instructed people to protect that tree when anyone tried to dig it up and take it. That is why it became NATURAL MONUMENT TREE. In this way, [trees and creation] have to have ‘stories that involve that tree or that creation’ then they will be precious, will command prices that soar into the heavens, and everyone will look up to them and learn lessons from them.

A ‘gift’ is not the only thing that is precious. ‘What is said while giving a gift’ is more precious. If someone says “I love you” while giving you a gift, then the words “I love you” are more precious than the ‘gift.’ The GIFT is a ‘token.’ Therefore, what was said and what was meant as the gift was given to you, is important. 
 Mountains, rocks, and trees are all ‘great masterpieces that were created by God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son.’ When you are looking at the creation that God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son created, or looking at things They gave you, instead of looking only at the ‘things themselves,’ you must look at them while knowing ‘the Word They gave while giving those items and their stories.Then you will come to know their value and realize and gain a lot of things as a result of that.  

You must pray. Then you will come to realize 'what is said while giving the gift' more than the 'gift.' Therefore, I pray that you will receive the answer by praying. 

9/4/2014 10:54:12 AM