
Make straight the path of the Lord.

본문 .



Message: Make straight the path of the Lord.

People often want to receive someone and have a big, fiery heart to receive that person. However, they do not, in fact, know how to receive the person and do not know in detail how to prepare.

In the Old Testament, because the day of [the Lord] was coming, they were told to prepare.  A pure, insignificant young man from Bethlehem appeared to people. For the last 4,000 years, the prophets and ancestors of faith had called out for [people] to be ready and to prepare for the Lord. You might wonder why they had to do that in order to receive this young man.

However, it was God who had come by means of riding the sailing boat called Jesus, the unfortunate one. Thus, people greatly misunderstood [Jesus].  They did not know how to fear the Being working behind him.

The Jews were good in many ways. They were fervent in their life of faith, only believed in God, offered clean sacrifices, and always made themselves holy. However, Jewish people made a mistake because they only saw Jesus as a human being, looking only at his appearance or education. They did not know that Jehovah - whom they had served, worshiped, awaited, feared, appreciated, and been grateful to - appeared through him.

If you do not prepare and are not ready [to receive God], even if God were to come to you, the chance [to receive Him] would slip away.  At the time of Jesus, even though Jesus had come, if people were not ready and prepared to meet him, they lost the chance even if he went straight past them.

Only you, who prepare yourselves to meet the Lord, meet and find him. The ‘Lord’, too, when you await and want him, he reveals himself to you. In order to receive Heaven, you need to prepare to receive the Lord, then Heaven appears to you.  

‘Make straight’ means: make [it] beautiful! Make [it] good! Make him comfortable! Make his path comfortable! ‘Make straight the path for the Lord’ means to do various things well for God, not make Him worry, live your life carefully, and live your life being alert. Take care of your body and make yourself capable of doing various things well. Doing these things is what makes the path straight for the Lord.

God made our paths straight. He turned your life from the perilous path, the dangerous mountain, the valley of death, and the valley of sickness and made your life straight. Nevertheless, how much have we made straight the path of God? Considering this, let’s reset our present lives from today, receive the great history, and live in it for the rest of our lives.

When we make straight the path for the Lord, God can start His history, so let’s prepare the path for the Lord by smoothing out our minds, actions, and lives.

11/18/2014 2:53:49 PM