
You don’t know because you haven’t done it with them.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Romans 10: 13-15

13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

People do not know ‘what God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son have done for them,’ and they don’t easily believe it. Even though God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son clearly did it for them, they do not know and do not believe it. Why is that?

It is because human beings did not do even 1 percent at the time when God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son were doing that work. God Almighty worked with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son to create all things in the universe and human beings. However, human beings do not know that at all, and they do not believe it. It is because human beings did not do even 1 percent with God when He was creating all things in the universe and human beings.

Even though parents gave birth to their children, the children do not know the process of conception. It is because the children did not do it with [the parents] in the process of conception.

When people are told that God made trees, they don’t believe it. It is because human beings did not make them with [God]. However, when people are told that people made a desk or a house with wood, they believe it. This is because human beings made them and saw them. 

The trees that God created are the first creation and a house that human beings made using the trees that God created is the second creation.

The universe, the earth and creation on the earth are the first creations that God created. Human beings do not know and do not believe it because they did not make them with [God]. However, the things that human beings made using all things on the earth while living on the earth are the second creation. So they believe them because human beings made them together.

When parents produce children, they cannot make them along with their children. Then when their children grow up, they also marry and produce children, right? Only then do they know that their parents also gave birth to them in the same way. Also, when the children grow up, the parents make other things with the children. At this, the children are convinced and boast about the things their parents made as well as the things they made on their own.

In this way, when God was creating all things in the universe and human beings, He could not make them with human beings.

God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son created all things in the universe and human beings first. Then, depending on how human beings matured, [God] let them perform the second creation using the first creation as needed. Through that, [God] made them realize about the first creation.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son made the first creation. Now, the Trinity do the second creation with human beings. Now, by each of you taking action with the Trinity, you must do the second creation at each of your levels.

If you believe in the power of the omnipotent and omniscient Trinity, and if you give thanks and love to the Trinity, you will be able to display the power of the Trinity as much as you use your ability.  From now on, you have to take action to the end with the Trinity and the Lord, rise to a higher level and make a greater history.

Up until now, because you did not take action and struggle with the Trinity, you did not know the value of what the Trinity have done for you and you failed to be thankful. I pray that you will do it with the Lord from now on and therefore surely know the value, the satisfaction and the joy.

Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s Wednesday message summary on September 2, 2015

9/3/2015 12:36:50 PM