
If you want the Trinity to not worry about you, you must do things till the end. Receive training till the end, win and gain

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If you want the Trinity to not worry about you, you must do things till the end.

Receive training till the end, win and gain

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Psalms 23:5 

         You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

 You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

There are difficulties when you start and there are tribulation, persecutions, and hardships during the process as well. However, if you ultimately make up your mind saying, “Truly, I will go till the end,” and do it, then fundamentally, They will not worry.

Despite going through tribulations, persecutions and hardships, if you win by holding onto the Holy Trinity and the Lord and taking action till the end, then you are a person who keeps the Trinity from worrying about you.

In the bible, the Prophet Samuel experienced grief and regret because of Saul

However, by receiving God’s revelation, taking action till the end and appointing David as king

he resolved all the grief and injustice brought on by Saul, was respected till his death and lived with joy.

David lived in suffering under the threat of death from Saul. 

However, by relying on God and loving Him till the end, he was ultimately given a table in the presence of his enemy and resolved the grief and suffering he received until then.

Joseph was also unjustly accused and was imprisoned. 

However, because he relied on God and loved Him till the end, he was able to interpret Pharaoh’s dream and thus he became the prime minister of Egypt.

Through that, he resolved all the injustices he suffered until then, and even his brothers, who sold him to Egypt out of hatred, submitted to him.

Jesus too. By taking action till the end even in the midst of all kinds of persecution of the time period and even bearing the cross, he atoned for the sins of the time period on their behalf and set the condition for the 2000 years of the New Testament history.

As a result of that, the New Testament history was carried out brilliantly.

Likewise, if you love the Holy Trinity and take action according to Their Will till the end, 

on the appointed day, all the problems will be solved and your grief will be resolved.

Now I will give a message that says: Receive training until the end, win and enjoy.

Saul ascended to the throne without receiving training.

That is why he could not take action according to God’s Will, failed to resolve his personal hardships or the hardships of his nation, and thus, failed at governing.

God chose David and prepared him from the time he was young and then appointed him king 

by anointing him through the Prophet Samuel.

Even then, David received all kinds of suffering at the hand of Saul.

However, through those incidents, he received even more training, drew closer to Heaven 

as much as things were difficult, and relied on and loved only God.

Ultimately he became king, governed in a way that was pleasing before God, 

and also ruled his people peacefully.

All the people in the Bible went through training and hardships 

whether they were great people or little people.

Through that process they polished themselves even more, received training till the end, 

did the work that God entrusted to them according to God’s Will, 

and ultimately ascended to the seat of glory.

Training is learning.

You learn through words but you also learn through action while experiencing it.

Training is making yourself strong.

It is like mastering martial arts and it is like practicing, learning and polishing yourself in order to compete at various athletic competitions such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, archery, track and field, wrestling, taekwondo, triathlon, and other sports.

Training is experiencing in the course of taking action.

Training is walking a path ahead of time and checking to see how difficult it is before you lead a crowd of people to a destination.

I hope everyone will receive training 100% till the end.

If you do, questions, misunderstandings, and ignorance will all be resolved. 

You will defeat all the difficulties, and in the end, ultimately soar high and be esteemed by Heaven.

1/5/2016 4:18:54 PM