
Miracle of Life (Follow me!)

본문 .









[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 4:18-22

On the seaside of Galilee,
Peter cast out his net all night, however he couldn’t catch even one fish.

When Peter returned to the seaside of Galilee,

Jesus asked him to borrow his boat

and then Jesus delivered the Word of God to the people from the boat.

Jesus’ sermon pricked Peter’s heart.
He went before Jesus and confessed.

“Jesus, I am a sinner. I have realised deeply about life after hearing the Word.”

At that time Jesus said,

“Go to the deep waters and try casting your net over there.”

When Peter did so, he caught so many fish that his net broke.

At this, Jesus said to Peter,

“Become a fisher of men instead of a fisher of fish.

Become a person who brings people back to the embrace of God.

Stop fishing now and follow me.”

As he followed Jesus according to his request, Peter became his best disciple.
After the death of Jesus, he even made a record in history by evangelising 3000 people in a day.

Like this, God showed a miracle of life by sending Jesus,

and Jesus made a miracle of life by sending his disciples.

Jesus is speaking to us even today.

“I am the way, the truth, and life. Follow me.”

2/26/2016 12:45:59 AM