
You Can Do It Because You Are God’s Counterpart

본문 .

You Can Do It Because You Are God’s Counterpart




Genesis 1:27-28
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Mark 9:23
23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”



I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.


Human beings are so feeble compared to the Almighty, and their power is so weak that it’s not even one trillionth of the Almighty’s. Thus, they stumble, give up, and become discouraged when doing things. However, you are ‘God's counterparts,’ so even if you are young and lacking, you can do it if God brings up and raises you. Then you will be more than capable of doing it. The issue is not whether you are young, weak, and lacking. The issue is whether you are God's counterpart.”


We have to know the purpose that God, together with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son Lord, wants to fulfill with human beings. Human beings—whether they are men or women—are all God’s counterparts of love. Therefore, the one who can fulfill THE TRINITY’S PURPOSE OF CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH is ‘only human beings.’

The sun, moon, stars, the Universe, and the Earth exist magnificently, and animals such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, and elephants exist majestically, and these creations are bigger than human beings. Nonetheless, they are not THE OBJECTS OF GOD’S PURPOSE OF CREATION, so they cannot fulfill the purpose. But, even if people are feeble and their hearts change dozens of times a day, ‘only human beings’ can do it because they are ‘the counterpart’ of God and the Holy Son.

THE COUNTERPART OF HUMAN BEINGS is not money, materials, environment, treasures, rocks, or pets. HUMAN BEINGS’ COUNTERPART is not liking and loving the world, either. HUMAN BEINGS’ COUNTERPART is nothing other than God--the One and Only--the Holy Son, the Savior, and the savior of the earth that the Holy Son uses as His body. Human beings must live as the counterpart of God and the Holy Son. Then they are capable of doing everything.


People usually say, “How can human beings dare live as the counterpart of love to God and the Holy Son?” They can. Human beings can.

God created human beings deliberately with a ‘purpose.’ God created human beings as His counterpart. Therefore, [human beings] can do it. HUMAN BEINGS are ‘the counterpart of God and the Holy Son,’ so they are qualified. A man’s counterpart is a woman, so if it is a woman, she is qualified to be a man’s lover. In the same way, God’s counterpart is human beings, so even if they are young and lacking, if they are human beings they are qualified to become brides of God and the Holy Son. God created human beings in His image and likeness, even down to every part of the body. Furthermore, God created human beings’ hearts, minds, thoughts, souls, and spirits all with a purpose—to become God’s counterpart. Therefore, they are capable. Human beings can do it because they are God’s counterparts. Just as a man and a woman are the best match to each other destined by heaven, God and human beings are destined matches, the best match in all the heavens above and in the earth below.

You need to realize piercingly that you are a bundle of love, God’s counterpart. You need to use that love for God while living as His counterpart. God is speaking through His body so that each of you will realize that you are God’s counterpart after hearing today’s message.

The issue is not [whether you can or] cannot do it. The greater issue is whether you are God’s counterpart or not. The rest will be taken care of when you try.


 If you, too, become the counterpart of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, you will certainly carry out even greater work. You are God’s counterpart, so bless that none of you will lose heart but that all of you will have confidence, take courage, and take action boldly


9/30/2012 10:07:42 PM