
The Old Has Gone. Behold, the New Has Come. It’s the New History.

본문 .


2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.


In today’s Scripture, 2 Corinthians 5:17, it said, “The old has gone. Behold, the new has come!” This did not mean that the house would change into a new house, that the sun, the moon, and the stars would change into new [heavenly bodies], or that the church would change into a new church.


Just because the president changes, does the sun change? Does the moon change? Do the stars change? Only the governing way changes. Only the system changes. Only the person who is the president changes. Even if the previous president is reelected, since it is started anew, you should think that they will change things that need to change.


Even if many students all attend middle school, only those who graduate from middle school go to high school. Those who are still studying at the middle school-level cannot go to high school. When you graduate from middle school and go to high school, school subjects change. For that reason, only those who pertain to that, in other words, only those who graduated from middle school and went to high school, feel the change of the times to be real.


Only those who escaped the old history and came to the new history listen to the Word of the new time and feel that the new history is real. Even though the environment remains the same and even though your body does not change, you live in the place where the new history has begun, and you are listening to the new Word. This is none other than ‘independence.’


Whichever country it may be, just because a country gains independence, does the sun start rising from the west or from the south? Has it ever happened? It is just that the system changes and they have escaped the nation or individuals that confined them and they have become free. This is what has changed. Therefore, only those who pertain to independence feel the freedom to be real.


The new history is to escape the individuals or nation that confined them and to become free.


Do not forget this: when a new history comes; first, ‘the Word’ changes, and second, the ‘man-of-mission, who is the figure of the time period’ changes.
When the time of Moses ended and a new time began, the man-of-mission changed to Joshua, didn’t it?


Even though the new times have come, the day is the same. The day is the same as in the old times, but it is a different day. Depending on whom you follow, the fate is determined—whether you are a person of the old times or a person of the new times.


Telling you that since the old has gone and the new has come, you need to change your heart, thoughts, and actions also.
Bid you peace of the Holy Son.


1/14/2013 9:32:52 PM