
Preach Knowing the True Essence of the Word, Please, Preach My Word Clearly

본문 .





Mark 16:20
20) Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.


Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.


Brought two people and asked which one is female and which one is male. Then man said, “This person is female, and that person is male.” Hearing his reply, she asked, “Why is this person female and why is that person male?” He replied, “This person is female because her hair is long. That person is male because his hair is short.”
Then this time, the woman brought another man with long hair and a woman whose hair was cut short. The presenter asked the observing man again which one was female and which one was male. This time too, he said that the one with long hair was female and the one with short hair was male. He was wrong.


If males and females are distinguished in this way, ‘the theory and reality’ disagree. Therefore, you will be fooled by those who deceive you. You must distinguish male and female by looking at their of the body part of their body, which are the keys to distinguishing the two. Then you will not be deceived, and your logic will be definite, too. As a result, no one will be able to defeat your words either with words or actions.
You must raise ‘the level of the Word’ completely and erect it. What I am saying is this: do not just assert the concept but instead declare and testify knowing the contents and the true essence. Then upon hearing the gospel of this time period, people’s hearts will be melted and they will follow saying it is clear.


If you do not properly know the Word of the omnipotent and omniscient God and the Holy Son Lord who is the Savior of all mankind, you cannot save both the body and the spirit properly.
Therefore, you must learn clearly and teach clearly.

You have to go before the Holy Son with love by evangelizing lives through the words only.
You must preach knowing the fundamental of the Word. Do not just assert the word but instead declare and testify knowing the contents and the true essence.

2/16/2013 12:53:28 AM