
Explain It Well

본문 .


Luke 24: 25-27

25) He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
26) Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”                                          
27) And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

Luke 20: 26
26) They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus. I bless that today also, as you listen to the Word given by the Holy Son Lord, you will be filled abundantly with the fiery movement, inspiration, and working of the Holy Spirit.


You receive salvation through ‘the Word.’ As much as you know ‘the Word’ clearly, you will take action clearly, and receive salvation through that as well.


You can answer test questions as much as you know. You can take action as much as you know, too. You can also live your life well as much as you know.


Those who learn the Word properly and know receive salvation at a much higher level, receive a greater mission, and when taking action too, they take action more, and thus receive more blessings. Therefore, starting from when a person comes for the first time, competent lecturers must teach them really well.


Depending on how they first learn, the destiny of their lives is determined. Therefore, the Holy Son Lord said, “Do not plan to do it twice, but do it well the first time.”


Those who did not learn properly when they first came are noticeable wherever they go. Even when sermons are given, they doze off without knowing properly. It’s hard to manage their faith, too. You must teach [lives] properly. Then it will not be hard when you manage them and they will immediately receive the intense fire of the Holy Spirit while listening to the Sunday and Wednesday messages.


It is the history of truth and the fire of the Holy Spirit. If you teach them poorly, good and talented people will be ruined, gifted people will not be produced, and grand trees of mission will not come out


In receiving salvation, the most important element is ‘the Word.’ Through ‘the Word.’ you come to realize God’s purpose of creation as well as His Will of love. Through ‘the Word,’ you can realize the Will of the Advent and the Rapture, take action, receive the Advent, and achieve the Rapture.


THE WORD is like ‘weapons on a battlefield’ and like ‘food in life.’ 


THE WORD is also like ‘clothing.’ When you look at how a person dresses, it shows what kind of a person they are, right?  In this way, when you look at a person’s words and actions, it shows how well that person has learned the Word.


People say, “Clothes are wings.” If a person wears beggar’s clothes, they look like a beggar. If a person wears good clothes, they look like a good person.  In this way, even if a person is very attractive and beautiful, if they learn the Word poorly, it shows in their words and actions. Therefore, they become a person who is noticeably lacking and behind no matter where they go.


The Word of the Bible is God’s Word and the Holy Son’s Word. Those who properly teach the Word of the Bible well become great people-of-mission.


In 설명(seol-myeong)*, ‘설(seol)’ means to describe or to speak, and ‘명(myeong)’ means to reveal clearly.


Holy Son said “You must explain well. That is raising the level of the Word. That is raising the level of newcomers. That is raising the level of Providence. That is raising the level of history of taking action.”


The Holy Son Lord of the Almighty Trinity appeared and spoke through Jesus, who was the body and the savior on earth before the beginning of the Advent history of the Complete Testament.


History is the history of God, and truth belongs to God. Because God and the Holy Son Lord taught and made [us] realize, all things progress and are fulfilled according to this Word of truth. Ultimately, truth is clearly revealed. God and the Holy Son clearly unravel truth in order to make history. Truth happens exactly as said.


Today, I have spoken about the theme, ‘Explain it well. Explanation is life. You must explain well then those who hear will be moved and follow with conviction.’ I pray and bless everyone who lives and testifies with conviction after realizing the perfect truth.


3/28/2013 6:03:36 PM