
The End Is Strong

본문 .



Hebrews 3:14
We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.
Revelation 2:26-27
To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father.


Hallelujah! I bid you the lover of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.


The end is strong.  For a spear, the tip is strong; for an arrow, the tip is strong; and for a sword too, the tip is strong. Likewise, the end is strong for history also. You do not know what kind of history will be made at the end. You must go ‘to the end’ to see the end.


‘One day at the end’ is more important than ‘a month in the beginning or during the process.’ When farming too, one day at the end is more important than 10 days during the process. Autumn is the end of the farming season, so when autumn comes, farmers run around to the point that their feet would catch fire. It is because the winter will come soon and they must reap the crops that are ripe.


You are given an answer to your prayer at the end, you gain all things of all situations at the end, your victory is determined at the end, you bear fruit at the end, and Satan and the wicked are divided and separated at the end also. A decision is made at the end.


The end has to be good. If the end is not good, in the way that the spear, the sword, the arrow cannot its function, 'human beings' as well.


You have to make you heart, mind, thoughts like the tip of a spear, tip of a sword, tip of a arrow, then you will succeed and your efforts won't be in vain. You must complete it at the end 100%. If you stop during the work, it won't be completed.


If you don’t complete it at the end, your spirit, soul, and body will all fail to be completed. If you don’t complete it at the end, all efforts until then will be in vain. You must complete it at the end. At the end, you must do it perfectly so that you will complete and finish it up.


The end is beautiful, majestic, and mysterious. You have a blast at the end. Only when you go to the end, can you enjoy the sight of flowers, pick and eat the fruits, and feel full gratification. If you do well at the end, all things that you did not do well in the beginning and during the process will also be restored. 


the Lord is the alpha and the omega; that is, the beginning and the end.


Since the end is truth and love, I pray and bless that all of you take action by united with Lord through the 'truth and love.'


6/7/2013 11:50:41 AM