
The Purpose is Hope and Dreams

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Matthew 12:30

30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

While living their lives, people only try to achieve their purpose and struggle to quickly complete that work. Then the work becomes slapdash, becomes formality, and is not done properly 100%.

Do all things as if you are eating from a splendid table of delicacies.

You eat food for the fun of eating. If you set eating everything up quickly as a purpose, there is no fun in eating the food. You should taste and feel the flavor of each and every kind, and feel the taste when biting it, chewing it, and swallowing it while enjoying the look of the food with your eyes also. Then when you eat food, you will become excited and strengthened, endorphin will be produced, and joy will spring up.

Just as you eat relishing the flavor when you eat food, I am telling you that whenever each of you do the things that are entrusted to you, you should do them one by one while discussing, conversing, and talking with the Holy Son.

If you only try to finish the work struggling and saying, “When will all this work be finished? When will this studying be over? When will this responsibility and mission that I am entrusted with come to an end?” you will live a tiresome life. Your health will also decline. You will be burned out. You will be stressed out from trying to remove it from [the to-do list]. The stress will not leave you until you do all the things you set as a purpose. 

Carrying out each work and each mission is like a time of eating food and tasting the flavor. Just as you taste various kinds of flavors while eating food, you need to taste the unique individual flavor of various kinds of work while carrying them out and make endorphin spring up.

Then while working, you will receive strength from the work, realize while doing the work, realize the Word through actions, receive benefits through actions, and receive grace through actions. As a result, you will be able to exist powerfully.

You cannot rejoice only during the process. You must fulfill the purpose. However, once you fulfill the purpose, the hope, joy, and dreams for the purpose disappear. 

Keep making purposes. Take action with a set purpose but do not think only of finishing up that purpose. A purpose is hope and joy; therefore, when you have completed fulfilling one purpose, design another purpose and take action. Then you will have hope, joy, and dreams for [the] purpose.

Pray and bless that all of you fulfill the purposes and be full of dreams, hopes, and joy.

7/28/2013 12:09:21 PM