
Life at the Upper, Middle, or Lower Level

본문 .

[Scriptures] Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

When you look at people, they live their lives at the UPPER, MIDDLE, or LOW level. 

With a certain task… first, there are those who live at the UPPER LEVEL while making the ultimate efforts with their talents and trying their best to do the work./ Second, there are those who live at the MIDDLE LEVEL while working with mediocre efforts./ Third, there are those who live at the LOWER LEVEL while doing the work reluctantly and carelessly. / In this way, each human being lives their life at the UPPER, MIDDLE, or LOWER LEVEL respectively.

Consider and see at which level you are living.

God created the human brain to develop limitlessly. Therefore, if you think and act at the upper level while doing your best, your hardened ‘brain and body’ will be softened and thus you will display your latent abilities. 

Since it is your own body, if you yourself do it, you can do everything. Since it is your own body, if you yourself do it proactively, it will work. As much as you do it, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son will give you blessings and help you actively. 

If each of you takes action with your best efforts, you can live ‘the upper level life’… but you just live your life in a mediocre way in order to be comfortable in the present. As a result, the wishes you have do not come true and your dreams are not fulfilled.

If you take action ‘at the upper level,’ doing your best, it is difficult and hard during the time you take action. However, once you have taken action, your power will be great, what you gain will be great, your hope will be great, and you will definitely be promised a good future.

A person who takes action at ‘the upper level’ lives A LIFE LIKE A GOLD MEDAL; a person who takes action at ‘the middle level’ lives A LIFE LIKE A SILVER MEDAL; and a person who takes action at ‘the lower level’ lives A LIFE LIKE A BRONZE MEDAL.

Now is a time when you must do whatever it may be at ‘the upper level,’ doing your best.

I Pray and bless that you may take action with your best efforts at the upper level and live a life of gold medal therefore, your body, soul, and spirit will all live a life of gold.

8/23/2013 12:33:33 PM