
If you have experienced something to the point your brain was on fire, tell it by expressing it completely satisfactorily as you have experienced, testify about it completely satisfactorily, and take action.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung, Myeong Seok

[Scripture] Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Hallelujah! I pray that the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son fill all of you abundantly.

When people experience things, they experience the things that are applicable to them through suffering, effort, hard work, and struggling. Even if they want to experience them continually, they cannot. People can experience things only when they are going through them. They tend to look at things acutely when they are experiencing them.  

However, even though they experienced things so intensely that their brains were on fire, when actually describing them, they describe only in an average way. That is why after hearing those words, others will not be properly aware of them and so they will understand even tremendous things as just average.

If, when you were <experiencing> some difficult tribulations or pain, you went through the pain of Hell that was like your flesh being torn, your heart being wrenched, bones melting, your brain on fire and ablaze, your head being smashed and your brain pouring out on the ground and scattering, you only say ‘I went through a lot of heart trouble. I went through the worst suffering and had a hard time,’ when <expressing it in words>, because it is not conveyed properly, the person hearing it will feel it at one level lower because they did not experience it themselves.

Therefore, the people who hear those words will ‘put into practice’ only that much, and get ‘inspired’ only that much too. So, they will ‘testify’ as only average. As a result, even things that would have worked out otherwise will not work out. You must tell things explicitly like you experienced them. Then all kinds of miracles will happen.

<When you experienced it>, you experienced it to the point your brain burned. However, your <expression and deeds> are done only to the point your clothing burned. That is why history does not happen like what you experienced. I wish that you will truly realize that if you have experienced something completely satisfactorily, you should express it completely satisfactorily, tell it completely satisfactorily, testify for it completely satisfactorily, explain it completely satisfactorily, teach it completely satisfactorily, and take action on it completely satisfactorily.

Now that you have heard the message, you must express completely satisfactorily as much as you have seen, heard, and experienced, and make it so those words will become firmly embedded in the brains of those who heard them, and become inspired like the crashing waves from a typhoon. Then they will realize it properly and take action and thus the hopes for both you and the other person will be fulfilled, and God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son will also love you completely satisfactorily.
‘Since you have experienced it to the point your brain was on fire, it is to express the things you have experienced properly, tell it properly, testify about it properly, and take action properly.’

I bless you in the name of the Holy Son to receive ‘strength and power’ through taking action according to today's Word and achieve 100% transformation.

3/9/2014 12:03:13 PM