
Deep-rooted nature of human beings

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scriptures] John 15:4-5
4) Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Revelation 22:12
12) “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

Hallelujah!I bless you to be filled abundantly with the ‘love of the eternal Holy Father God,’ and the ‘peace of the Holy Son.’ 

<ANIMALS> also have 'basic instincts, and deep-rooted nature.' 
Goats have the deep-rooted nature of butting with their horns and the deep-rooted nature of being stubborn.Oxen have the deep-rooted nature of working steadily.Elephants have the deep-rooted nature of stomping with their feet, pushing with their bodies, and swinging with their trunks.

In this way, each <HUMAN BEING> also has 'deep-rooted nature' and it is different for each person. The <DEEP-ROOTED NATURE> is the ‘deep-rooted tendencies that come from the bodies because human beings have bodies.’ Therefore, as long as we have ‘bodies,’ the ‘deep-rooted nature’ remains even if we become united with the Holy Son and the Lord.

Even if a true persimmon tree has been grafted into a date plum tree, the branches ultimately grow abundantly because of the date plum tree roots. In the same way, even if you have become united with the Holy Son and the Lord, ‘your deep-rooted nature’ will ultimately surge up.

Each person has ‘good deep-rooted nature’ and/or ‘bad deep-rooted nature.’

As for people who used to possess <POSITIVE DEEP-ROOTED NATURE>, when they become united with the Holy Son and the Lord, they will do things even more positively with that positive deep-rooted nature. However, for people who used to possess <BAD DEEP-ROOTED NATURE>, anger comes out, disposition of being impulsive comes out, rage comes out, they speak recklessly, and are stubborn even if they become united with the Holy Son and the Lord. In this way, their ‘bad deep-rooted nature’ will keeps coming out.

However, if your spirit has raptured, then you will turn all of ‘your bad physical nature and the deep-rooted nature’ into positive ones. 

When grafting a true persimmon tree to a date plum tree, if their <ROOTS> are grafted with each other, they cannot survive because they are not compatible. That is to say, the <DEEP-ROOTED NATURES> cannot be grafted with each other. 

If <DEEP-ROOTED NATURES OF HUMAN BEING> collide with each other, even between ‘spouses,’ ‘lovers,’ ‘friends,’ ‘siblings,’ and ‘superiors and subordinates,’ <BIG WARS>, or <SMALL WARS> will break out. Also, when <DEEP-ROOTED NATURES OF NATIONS> collide, ‘battles and cold-wars’ will break out and eventually, even ‘wars’ will break out.

Knowing this, if the <DEEP-ROOTED NATURE> surge up from one side, the other side must treat the other with <DIVINE NATURE>.

It is to ‘treat people gently with love.’ 

Even if you are by yourself, if the 'deep-rooted nature' shows up in your everyday life, you will keep sinning and giving up on yourself. Therefore, I bless everyone to transform your 'bad deep-rooted nature' into 'good deep-rooted nature if you want to be raptured!

4/18/2014 5:23:43 AM