
It is to ‘surely do the things that you should do/ To not do at all the things that you should not do.’

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok

[Scripture] Revelation 18:4

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

Daniel 12;3

Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

Hallelujah!To all of you who came even today to present your ‘sincere bodies and hearts,’ to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, and give glory through <SERVICE>, I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God, and the peace of the Holy Son.

Today, I will give you a message to tell you about what you must do in order to become [people who are] 100%. 

If you want to fix the <DEEP-ROOTED NATURE> and <CONTRADICTIONS>, then fix them completely without leaving even a ‘little.’ The <DEEP-ROOTED NATURE> will keep coming up because of the ‘little,’ and will eventually grow big again.  

If you are going to do it, then do it 100%. Only if you do so is it perfect. If you are going to do things 100%, then you must completely do the <THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD DO>, and not do at all the <THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO>. If they are <THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD DO> but you do only a little or don’t do them, then it cannot be 100%. 

If they are <THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO> but you do even a little of them, then it cannot be 100%.

When it comes to <THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO>, it is to ‘not go there at all. It is to not look at them at all. It is to not listen to them at all. It is to not speak of them at all. It is to not think of them at all. It is to not meet them at all. It is to not touch them at all.’

Speaking ill of your brothers too. If you say one bad thing about your brother saying that you will say only ‘one thing,’ that ‘one thing’ will lead to saying ‘two things,’ and will lead to saying ‘three things.’Drinking too. People drink saying that they will drink only ‘one glass.’ However, that ‘one glass,’ leads to ‘two glasses,’ and turns into ‘one bottle.’People become <ALCOHOL-TYPE> through doing a little at a time repeatedly in that way.

A wise person does not do at all <THINGS THEY SHOULD NOT DO>. They don’t even look at them. They don’t even listen to them. They don’t even think about them. They don’t even touch them.

A wise person does not do at all <THINGS THEY SHOULD NOT DO>. They don’t even look at them. They don’t even listen to them. They don’t even think about them. They don’t even touch them. Even if a person’s <THOUGHTS> or <BODY> came and went for only a ‘moment’ like ‘light,’ God’s eyes catch everything. That is why, since the Holy Son knows everything, He says, “It is to not do 100% the <THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO>, and it is to do 100% the <THINGS YOU SHOULD DO>.”

Do not be sinning and say to God, 'God, please protect me.' Instead, by obeying the Word 100%, come out of there and into the domain of righteousness. Do not be sinning and say to God, 'God, please protect me.' Instead, If you don't do it, you will not sin. Even if you refrain yourself, it will not work. There is a limit to refraining. Leave there. Throw it away.

I bless you to be touched by the message shockingly in your hearts, and so surely take action and become [people who are] 100%.

4/24/2014 8:02:09 PM