
The things that you need are treasures. The things that are close to you are treasures. Things are treasures according to your knowledge of them.

본문 .

Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok


Matthew 13:44

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. …”

Hallelujah! I pray that you will be abundantly full of the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Today, I will give you Word about what things are ‘treasures’ by dividing treasures into three broad categories.

You consider [something] to be as precious as ‘gold’, but other people consider it to be ‘silver’. The reason for this is you consider it to be as precious as ‘gold’ because it is something you need and something you must use. While others consider it to be ‘silver’ because it is something they do not need and do not use. In everything you do in life, ‘such things are treasures when seen from your point of view’, but they are not treasures from other people’s points of view.

For example, let’s say that someone is selling the ‘luxury apartments’ he built in Seoul. These luxury apartments are ‘treasures only to those who live in Seoul’. [The apartments] have nothing to do with those who live thousands of kilometres away, those who live in domains other than the domain of the apartment, or those whose tastes do not agree with those apartments, and such people have no interest in them either. The things that you need are ‘treasures to you’. Gaining something that you needed is a ‘blessing’.

Furthermore, gaining that land that is adjacent to one’s land is a treasure to someone living in Seoul. To someone living in the countryside, gaining land that lies close to one’s own house is more of a treasure. The things that pertain to the life one is living are the treasures for each person. Things have to be close to the base of your everyday life. Then they are precious, because you use them most frequently. That is why people seek to acquire things that are close to the base of their everyday lives. Those things become ‘treasures to them’.

When it comes to worldly treasures, they are different for each person also. Money is a ‘treasure to everyone’ because it is something everyone needs. On the other hand, when it comes to objects or things in nature, they are different for each person.

A ‘tree’ is a treasure to one person, a ‘rock’ is a treasure to another, ‘land’ is a treasure to another, and a ‘house’ is a treasure to another. In this way, [what is considered] to be a treasure changes according to each person’s situation, preferences, and individuality. People consider things to be ‘treasures’ and like them according to their individualities, their talents, and their preferences.


In this way, a ‘treasure’ is determined [to be a treasure] according to your thoughts, according to your deeds, according to your life, according to what you know, and according to your level.


I bless that, through this message, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Lord will become treasures that are truly necessary to you, treasures that are closest to you, and, by you realizing and knowing correctly, treasures that you will never lose!

12/10/2014 12:08:50 PM