
The taste of living life

본문 .


Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

Scripture: Psalm 28:5

Because they have no regard for the deeds of the LORD

and what his hands have done,

he will tear them down

and never build them up again.

Hallelujah! May you be filled with the eternal Father God’s love and the Holy Son’s peace.

People acquire joy and satisfaction because of the ‘taste’ of food. If food were not tasty, one would receive no joy from it, one would receive no feeling from it, and people would not think much from it. Just as food has to be ‘tasty’ in order for you to seek it and gain joy from it, life, too, must be ‘tasty’. Then you will have joy and satisfaction.

The taste of life is ‘to think’. The ‘taste’ of food changes, depending on how it is cooked, and, for people, the ‘taste’ [of things] changes according to how they think. People must think positively. Then they will experience the ‘positive taste’. If they think negatively, they will experience only the ‘negative taste’. Furthermore, if you think wickedly and give up on yourself, ‘pain’ will immediately come.

You should not only believe in God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Lord, observe Sunday service, praise, and pray. Instead, you must constantly think about them in your everyday life.

The taste of life is, first, the ‘taste of thinking’, [and], second, it is the ‘taste of taking action’. The eyes have to see in order to feel, the ears have to hear in order to feel and, in order to feel words according to their content, they have to be said.

Even though God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord, exist, are with you, help you, and speak to you, if you stay idle, you cannot feel them. You have to think. Then you will feel through your thoughts. You also have to make it touch your body by taking action yourself. Then your body will feel.

Just after marrying, a couple lives together, talking, conversing, speaking, discussing, and taking action, because the couple’s flesh touches and their hearts and thoughts’ touch. You have to live that way with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son too. Then, through attention and love, you will fulfill God’s purpose for creating human beings.

You should live a life of faith of always thinking about the Lord and you should always consult, discuss, and converse with the Lord, and connect [with the Lord] through prayer, and connect through written words. Then you will experience the taste of thoughts, taste of faith, and taste of life, and it will become Heaven.

You must think ‘positive thoughts’ together with the Holy Son, the Lord, about both physical and spiritual things. If you do, ‘those thoughts’ will become a dream and so you will pray and take action even more, and you will experience the ‘taste of joy’ by taking action on them. By doing so, your body and spirit will be filled with ‘greater desire to take action’.  

I hope that you will spend the year’s end and receive the New Year while thinking about God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, the Lord. I bless that, with such thoughts, you will have good dreams in the New Year and that you will live with the hope of making those dreams come true.

12/30/2014 10:50:24 AM